Computer Graphics.

Tonight I went to see the Computer Graphics thesis show. Wow. This was my favorite one by far. It's by my friend Alyssa, who I shot a while back with her dog Oliver. If you look carefully you can see a couple of shout outs to Oliver in the short.


I almost forgot I had these. I'll upload my friends garments once I move home and I have nothing better to do. I shot both shows so I have so many files to go through.

2010 Fashion Show
2010 Fashion Show
2010 Fashion Show
2010 Fashion Show
2010 Fashion Show
2010 Fashion Show
2010 Fashion Show


What is something you've always dreamed of but could never be? What is your dreamself?
This could mean an aspiration, a fantasy or just a curiosity. It could be something that you might only want to experience for a day or it could be something you've dreamed of since you were a child. Does your answer speak about your subconscious or is it affected by societies definition of a dream? Id or super ego?

Nate Appleman.

Last Thursday I shot Pulino's Bar and Pizzeria, and I met their head chef Nate Appleman. I'm kind of in love.

Pulino's Bar and Pizzeria
Pulino's Bar and Pizzeria
Pulino's Bar and Pizzeria
Pulino's Bar and Pizzeria
Pulino's Bar and Pizzeria
Pulino's Bar and Pizzeria

Auto Fashion.

I helped my friend Lindsay with a fashion shoot for her class and I found a new favorite place in New York. The guys who worked the shop were the best sports. I loved reading all the signs about their insurance not covering patrons as the model climbed all over the stacks of tires and we played with the sledgehammer.

Auto Body Fashion
Auto Body Fashion
Auto Body Fashion
Auto Body Fashion
Auto Body Fashion
Auto Body Fashion

Mannequins & Gasmasks.

Some people collect teapots. Some people collect snowmen figures. I collect religious art, gas masks and mannequins. No one is ever going to visit me. My house is going to look insane with all the kitsch I'll fill with it.



I'm afraid if I ever come into money I'll spend a large portion of it on bizarre trinkets. I'll expand my religious art collection, probably own a few statues and I'll definitely have tons of ancient taxidermy animals. Not animals that I kill and stuff, but animals that are hundreds of years old and covered in dust. No one will ever marry me.

Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum


Every year the VPED department gets rid of old mannequins and every year I go a little nuts and take a couple. Anything that's free I'll take, and usually it's fine because usually it doesn't result in two naked male mannequins standing in the corner of my room. Now the grand total is one full black mannequin (sans head), a pair of white legs, a black torso and two realistic full bodied (one is missing arms, one is missing hands) mannequins. It's not cute. It's not quirky. It's just insane.
