
Every time I visit someplace I hide business cards everywhere I can think of. I put a bunch in both LAX and JFK airports and it's interesting to see how far they go. Peter Murphy lives down in Orlando so I'm sure some of those hits are his doing. He's getting pretty big down there. I'm planning on riding his coat tails to success. This is an overview of my visitors from the last few days. I like how the northeast is all swoopy. I've only had like 5 international visitors this week so that map is less interesting.


I should buy a world map and put pins in it for each state/country visits my site. I could add it to the the shrine I keep of myself in the basement. If there's one thing I like more than myself it's nothing. Nothing.

PS: This reminds me of RISK.

PPS: This would be a horrible set up in RISK. I should know. I play an ungodly amount of RISK.

Polly Stenham.

I love hearing someone's name and thinking "why does that sound so familiar?" and remembering I photographed them. This is Polly Stenham, the playwright. This was the most impromptu shoot I ever did when I interned for the Voice. I overheard my boss saying he needed a shot of Polly, I e-mailed her publicist, met up with Polly on her way to the theater, snapped a few frames, and we parted ways. 

Polly Stenham

Matt & Cassandra.

This weekend my cousin Matt married his long time girlfriend Cassandra. It was so beautiful. The weather was perfect all day (no flooding), the food was delicious and everyone looked amazing. I love my family and it was great to see them all together looking so dapper. I love photographing Matt and Cassandra so much, they make a wonderful couple, so they have a lifetime free photography pass from me for Christmas cards and such.

Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
Matt & Cassandra
(photographs 8-11 were taken by Katrina Koski)

Patas Monkey.

Monkeys look so much like humans. Like little, hairy, conniving humans.

Patas Monkey
Patas Monkey
Patas Monkey

Thesis outtakes.

Overall the style I shot my thesis in worked for what I wanted but a few times I snapped a frame without the ring flash firing and I really love how they look. I need to get some lights asap so I can get shooting more creative portraits at home.

Thesis Outtake
Thesis Outtake

Rainbow Jesus.



I don't know what it is but I can not step into a thrift store without buying one of three things*: a plaid shirt, religious art, or a camera. Today it was the latter. I don't even know how many cameras I have now. The great thing about Syracuse? I got this bad boy for $1.99.


*I am not a hipster.

Twelve Angry Men.

Twelve Angry Men
Twelve Angry Men
Twelve Angry Men
Twelve Angry Men
Twelve Angry Men
Twelve Angry Men
Twelve Angry Men
Twelve Angry Men
Twelve Angry Men
Twelve Angry Men
M O R E ]